Beautiful Death Creations

Beautiful Death Creations
Life is a beautiful death...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Cosmic Rebel - Moonfuller

Moonfuller is my featured artist for the month of May. I have had the privilege to get to know this wonderful artist and I am so happy to be showing her art to all of you! I am amazed by the colors and the lines in her artwork!
In her own words, Moonfuller is a self-taught artist driven by spirit and the desire to inspire a connection with magic, to heal through creative expression and open channels of all our senses, and to contribute to the spiritual awakening of humanity through the absolute reality of our imaginations.
I was also pleased to learn that she is also a healer. I see more and more of my students, patients and friends leaning toward holistic medicine. I feel like holistic medicine like healing is good for people. It can give hope where perhaps there was none. I would like to share with all of you what Moonfuller says about her healing. I hope that you enjoy and that you take a look how great this woman is!
I have no words for what I do.  Most of it is beyond words, beyond description. Call me a bridge. A bridge between you and your own sweet spirit, a bridge between the half full world you live in and the overflowing world you seek, a bridge between your true essence and the depth of each moment you desire to experience.  If you found me, you're ready to cross.

I am not a conventional healer. I do not do past-life regression, chakra balancing, Reiki, hypnotherapy, aura clearing, or anything else I can name. I don't drop names, I don't get technical, and I have no contained way to describe the energetic magic that happens. In an undefined non-structured way, I work with the entire energetic being that is you, physical and ethereal. All of you. And I do this in more than one way, for I am also a very earthy and practical being.

I have been healing, growing, transcending- with amazing speed- for years.  Through relationships, inspiration, writing, parenting, nutrition, counseling, art, energy work, experiences.
From youngsterhood, I have been healing people and occasionally animals in free form, spontaneous, and natural ways- with intent, without intent, sometimes just by being present. I can hear and feel things many others can't.  I have expanded and peeled layer after layer from my existence through every aspect of every moment of my life and I continue on this path evermore.

Everything begins in your energy field. Before you ever experience a physical ailment, it began energetically. So in energy work, healing begins at the source. In most cases, I am given information regarding the source of your emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical need.  I 'read' your energy. I am given this information in the language of Nature Spirits- trees, water, animals, plants, holes in the earth, tornadoes, dirt- all things of Nature come to heal and help as
magnificent aspects of your healing journey. I will work with you in person or long distance. Indoors or out. I am guided intuitively every time, and I will incorporate that guidance into your current (and soon to expand) comfort zone.  

There are so many Enchanted Spiritual and Earthly Landscapes. Each natural creation has its own magic, its own healing energies. I bring this magical healing to you, or rather, I reconnect you with it, as we are parts of nature ourselves.  Sometimes subtly, sometimes suddenly, but most certainly, you will notice the wonder of the new you.  The filters between you and the magic dissolve, the peace that takes up residence deep in your being leaves no room for fear, stress, disease, anxiety.  Things are sharper and more colorful; you see, hear, feel, and intuit in surprising and powerful ways. You remember who you really are, at the spiritual core of your being, and you will feel your mind-body-spirit-heart connection existing in perfect harmony with each other. Your thoughts, feelings, and essence join together. “Everything” takes on a new meaning for you, for there is so much more than your filters ever allowed you to connect to.

Give yourself the gift of healing, the gift of living, the gift of Enchantment.

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